BD Recruitment Complaints

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Telephone: 0844 800 9390

3 Complaints »

I received an email from these idiots a few years ago where they emailed everyone on their database who was classified as a ‘web developer’ or ‘SEO’ about a job and visibly CCd everyone else in.

We could see the email addresses of every single person who received the email, so anyone who was looking for a job had everyone else’s details.

You only need to Google BD Recruitment to see just how that went down within the SEO industry; not the industry with which to make a mistake such as that!

Complaint by
Mr Daz
August 3, 2011 @ 1:02 pm

my brother got setecled to tulasi news he rejected the offer because they hav askd him to sign a bond for 2.5 years and with a salary of just 7k after training.if he breaks the bond he needs to pay 75k and moreover he has to submit the original certificates.he will get ajcked if the originals are submitted so he rejected the offer.

Complaint by
May 15, 2014 @ 3:13 am

Pigs are not fond of eating raw onions, garlic or potatoes. Of the three th;y8#&217ere more likely to eat the potatoes if they’re hungry enough. Once the onions have rotted some they’ll eat them. They like oranges and grapefruit once they learn to step on them and break open the peel to get to the sweet fruit but until then they avoid them. Our pigs don’t like lemons or limes.

Complaint by
May 7, 2016 @ 1:39 am

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